Monday, 27 October 2014

27th October 2014

Hi everyone!
I decided to teach you my family's traditional halloween recipe: the pumpkin seeds! They're delicious and easy to do!
Thats what you have to do:
95 gr. Raw pumpkin seeds
1 gr. Salt
10 gr. Butter
  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
  2. Toss seeds in a bowl with the melted butter and salt. Spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes or until golden brown; stir occasionally.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

26th October 2014

Hi everyone!
I've thought, Halloween? Well, Halloween=trick or treat! So, today the tricks, tomorrow the treats! I've searched on the net and these four pranks are the best I've found! They're really creepy and cool! Try them, I will, maybe the first of November I'll tell you all how were them! For the next Halloween, maybe...
Stay creative,

Friday, 24 October 2014

24th October 2014

Hi everyone!
Today I was a bit out of ideas, so I thought:"What could I post that's cool and useful for Halloween?" Then I thought:"let's search for a strange and uncommon Halloween costume/make up" I searched on we heart it (if you haven't got it take it NOW! It's awesome!) and ta dah! I've also tried it on and that's really good looking! If you copy the image it's very easy to do, you only have to be accurate!
Stay creative,

Thursday, 23 October 2014

How to draw a skeleton.

Hi everyone!
I found out a simple but cute way to draw a skeleton! Here it is, step by step.
1) first you have to draw the skull.

2)The you have to draw the spinal column.

3) then You have to draw the ribs.

4) afterwards you have to draw the pelvica bones, they look like a butterfly.

5)Then you have to draw the arm bones, that are three, not four!

6)After you've drawed both arms and hands, you can start with the legs. Also in the legs the bones are three and not two!

Congrats! You're done! There's your skeleton! To learn how to draw a couple of skeletons Click here

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

22nd October 2014

Hi everyone!
I've tried the witch makeup and I like it. So, first you have to draw a hard black line on the end of the eyelids. Then extend theend of the line and draw four vertical lines. Afterwards connect the four lines with three horizontal  lines. There you go! That's the spiderweb. Then here's the beautiful and the most difficult part. You have to find some body jewels to stick on the spider web. I've found mines at kiko make up Milan but I think that if you search it very well you'll find them. You have to stick them where you want on the spider web. There you go. There's your witch make up!
Stay creative,

22nd October 2014

Hi everyone!
Today my mum just returned from Sardinia, an amazing Italian Island. There's a brilliant artist called bob marongiu who does these funny animals and she met him! He gave me this painting I love it! The colours are so bright and the animals are funny! And I really love those big cute eyes! To know more about him and his creations,click here. In the picture if you can see anything, I'm wearing a pair of Benetton leggings a Zara shirt and an accessorize hairband. See you later for the Halloween post!
Stay creative,

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

21st October 2014

Hi everyone!
So, i just wanted to do a list of what you need for a an awesome halloween party. The first thing you have to think about when you organize an Halloween party are the decorations. The thing I always have when I do a party are the fake spider webs. They're cheap and very scenic. They're not a must, they're THE MUST of all Halloween parties. The other musts are the garlands. They add color to the decorations and they're cute to see. In the picture, the spider one's from and the skeleton one's from By the way, on and on you can find lots of cool things for parties, like that ghost and the baloons. After the decorations, you need to think about the food, after the tricks, you need the treats! I'm sorry I can't tell you my cupcakes secret recipe but search for one on the internet, but I can tell you that those cute tickets that say "eat it if you dare" are from and they look awesome. Oh, and that skulls mold's from . I also found the Harrods Halloween tea, should be good. I've got to go now, bye everyone!
Stay creative,

Monday, 20 October 2014

20th October 2014

Hi everyone!
The second thing you need for a wonderful Halloween party it's the invitation. I've done a few of all kinds, my favourite's the one with the cute ghost but they're all awful. I tried my best (that's my best, just imagine the worse! now THAT'S spooky!) I hope you'll like 'em and you can print them and fill them up with the date and time, well, you know how to do that!
Stay creative,

Sunday, 19 October 2014

19th October 2014

Hi everyone!
Today I went for a walk in the city centre and the square was covered by yellow baloons for the UNICEF it was spectacular! I was hungry so I ate those four raspberry macarons they were fantastic. I actually realize that from how I tell the things I do you may think my life's all macarons, cakes, clothes and walking around well it's not. That's not called life, that's called dreaming! ;) in fact, my life's not a dream and I've got to study now.
Stay creative,

Saturday, 18 October 2014

18th October 2014

Hi everyone! 
These are the things I've found for the skeleton outfit, there are such cool things on the internet! I'm actually to tired to write all the brands of them, so if you wanna know something just comment, ok?
Stay creative,

Friday, 17 October 2014

17th Octber 2014

Hi everyone! I found these outfit out it's the witch one. The hat and the earring are from accessorize, the shirt's from j. Tomoson and the skirt's from zalando. That's cool!
Stay creative,

17th October 2014

Hi everyone!
From now on I'll try to post Halloween fashion and creative tips every day, it's going to be the best Halloween ever! At least I hope so! Today I'm going to suggest you some costumes and accessorises, but I'm still working on them so I'm still not sure. I'm going now.
Stay creative,

Thursday, 16 October 2014

16th October 2014

Hi everyone!
Today the sun was shining do I put a skirt! The skirt's from scout and the shirt's from kenzo. My only homework for tomorrow's an art project, so I can relax this afternoon!😸🔝🌺 I'm so happy! I think I'm going for a walk in the park. Yeah that's what I'll do. I'm texting them so I've got to go.
Stay creative,

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

15th October 2014

Hi everyone!
I'm so happy I found this perfect match between my subdued sweater and my ilovegorgeous dress! I think that's so cool! Isn't it? Remember everyone please please comment! It's so easy you can do it as anonim it takes you one minute! That's important for me! and if you do so and you tried to use my chocolate cake recipe, tell me about it! I'd be glad to answer all your questions! Before I go, I wanted to thank my friend Maty who supports me really much! Ciao maty!
Stay creative,

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

14th October 2014

Hi everyone!
Today I went to the dentist the whole afternoon: IT WAS TERRIBLE. He put some rubber bands in my braces and now my mouth hurts terribly. Fortunately at dinner I'm eating pizza! Yay! I'm wearing a kontatto sweater (that's awesome!) and my levi's. Bye everyone, I'm going to clean my face now :-) 
Stay ehm... clean!

Sunday, 12 October 2014

12th October 2014

Hi everyone!
Today i went to accessorize (it's so cool!) and i've bought this leaf necklace. Actually, that's kinda popular now, but i couldn't get it until this afternoon. That's a real leaf, i love it! Accessorize's the best!
Stay creative,

Saturday, 11 October 2014

11th october 2014

Hi everyone!
Today i went for a walk in the woods, i had fun! I found lots of abandoned houses, and near one of those i met a group of deers! They are such lovely animals! I was wearing a subdued sweater, a canadian jacket and levis jeans. Remember to comment everyone! Thanks a lot!
Stay creative,

11th October 2014

Thanks everyone,
Stay creative,

Thursday, 9 October 2014

9th September 2014

Hi everyone!
I'm happy because we're studying Shakespeare's midsummer night's dream I love it! It's so modern! Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to wear this wonderful dress which I bought in my beloved London! It's from ilovegorgeous and I covered it with a scout sweater. I got to see X factor now!
Stay creative,

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

8th October 2014

Hi everyone!
I was so busy this afternoon! After two hours of dance class I was really tired and I had to do all my homework! Fortunately I had this wonderful salmon hamburger for dinner to make me happy! I've got to go now.
Stay creative,

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

7th October 2014


To prepare my chocolate cake, chop the dark chocolate and cook it in a Bain-Marie until it's  creamy and smooth. Dice the cold butter and add it two dices at a time at the melt chocolate keeping it hot and make sure it's well absorbed before adding more dices. When all the butter will be melt take away the pot from the fire and let the mixture cool down. 
Meanwhile, peel the eggs and whip the yolks (but DON'T THROW THE WHITES YOU'LL NEED THEM!) with half of the sugar: whisk it very well with a mixer  to obtain a frothy and pale mixture. While you still whip it add the chocolate mixture.
Add to the well amalgamated mixture the hot milk and the flour and mix them well with all the other ingredients: you should have an homogeneous and lump-free mixture.
In a different pot, whip the whites with a pinch of salt and the remaining sugar: mix it until you get a white compact cream, then, with a wooden spoon, incorporate the whites with the rest, mixing it from the bottom to the top.
Pour the mixture in a baking tin and bake it in a pre-heated oven at 180° for 25/30 minutes. Remember that when you take it out from the oven it's very fragile and you have to proceed with caution if you don't want to smash it!
I hope you'll like my chocolate cake!
Stay creative,

Monday, 6 October 2014

6th October 2014

Hi everyone!
I've got great news! I just found out why you couldn't write comments and I've fixed the problem! So, just to let you know, now you can post easier because you don't have to be registered! So, from now on COMMENT! Today I dressed up Harry potter style. The leggings are from Benetton, the sweater's from subdued and the scarf's from Harry potter park in Orlando.
Expecto patronum,

Sunday, 5 October 2014

5th October 2014

Hi everyone!
I'm really sad 'cause my favourite magazine, Company, is now over! I mean, they closed it! I'm so angry I can't believe it! I loved it! Anyway, today I'm going to a friend's party and I'm dressing up like this. The jacket and the tank are from Zara and the skirt's from scout. I just noticed I've never weared shoes in my posts! Well, I can tell the shoes I wear every single day are the nike Air Force one! They're my must!
Stay creative,

Friday, 3 October 2014

3rd October 2014

Hi everyone!
These other guys here are my best friends, me, Fedezza, Fata Morgana and micha. These are not their real names, but they chose 'em. I'm wearing a Zara t shirt with my Levi's,  Fedezza is wearing an ovs sweater and subdued leggings, Fata Morgana is wearing an Australian hoodie and French leggings (she's so international! :D ) and micha is wearing a Zara timber shirt, a foot locker shirt and French trousers. Now we've got to go bye! We're going shopping!
Stay creative,

Thursday, 2 October 2014

2nd October 2014

Hi everyone!
I'm posting right now because I'm about to study all afternoon for tomorrow's maths test! Argh! I emptied Zara yesterday, look what I've took: I sware this shirt's so soft I want to sleep with it! A+!
Stay creative,

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

1st October 2014

Hi everyone! Happy 1st October!
I think one of my qualities is the ability to mix different styles! See, I rocked this classic pink woolrich tank with a normal timber jacket, and I can wear it in completely different situations! Always do the "intelligent matches" between your clothes, you'll be happy to see you use all of them in different ways!
Stay creative,